Links to resources for Infant Feeding in Emergencies (Multilingual)

Find multilingual Facebook posts here.


الرضاعة الطبيعية في حاالت الطوارئمعاودة اإلرضاع

La Leche League Resources / موارد لا ليتشي لييغ

إعطاء الحليب بالكوب
Cup Feeding
color اللون
black & white اسود و ابيض

هل ’تفقد‘ النساء ال تي تشعرن بالتوتّر الحليب؟ – متعدد اللغات ​(لا ليتشي لييغ في آسيا والشّرق الأوسط)
Do women experiencing stress ‘lose’ their breastmilk? – multilingual (La Leche League Asia & Middle East)

إعطاء الحليب قطرة قطرة
Drip-Drop Feeding
color اللون
black & white اسود و ابيض

​(لا ليتشي لييغ في آسيا والشّرق الأوسط) كيف أضمن الإلتقام العميق؟
How can I get my baby to latch deeply? (La Leche League Asia & Middle East)
color اللون
black & white اسود و ابيض

زيادة مخزون الحليب
Increasing Breastmilk Supply
color اللون
black & white اسود و ابيض

معاودة الإرضاع
color اللون
black & white اسود و ابيض

التلامس الجلدي
Skin-to-Skin Contact
color اللون
black & white اسود و ابيض​​​

Other Resources / موارد آخرى

.ﺗﻐﺬﯾﺔ اﻟﺮﺿّﻊ ﻓﻲ ﺣﺎﻻت اﻟﻄﻮارئ: ﻣﺎ ﻋﻠﯿﻚ ﻓﻌﻠﮫ
Feeding Babies During Emergencies: What should you do? comic (source: created by Yasuko Emura, published by Risu Ando and Hiroko Hong)

الرضاعة الطبيعية هي الاستعداد للطوارئ
Breastfeeding is Emergency Preparedness a brochure on pregnancy – birth – infant & young child feeding by Magdalena Whoolery

سلسلة الرسوم البيانية IYCF-E 2021 بواسطة IFE Core Group
2021 IYCF-E infographic series by IFE Core Group
البدء المبكر بالرضاعة الطبيعية أثناء حالات الطوارئ
Early initiation of breastfeeding during emergencies

دعم تغذية الرضع للأطفال اللاجئين الذي أنشأته المجموعة الأساسية IFE
Infant Feeding Support for Refugee Children created by IFE Core Group
رضاعة طفلك خالل السف
Feeding Support in Transit

تغذية ّ الرضع أثناء الكوارث وحاالت الطوارئ
Infant Nutrition During a Disaster: Breastfeeding and other options – American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

تغذية الرضع في حالات الطوارئ (شبكة التغذية في حالات الطوارئ) 
Infant Feeding in Emergencies – information for health and nutrition workers and media in emergency situations (Emergency Nutrition Network)

تغذية الرضع وصغار الأطفال خلال الطوارئ (شبكة التغذية في حالات الطوارئ)
Operational Guidance for Infant Feeding in Emergencies (Emergency Nutrition Network)

فيديوهات الرضاعة الطبيعية من Global Health Media
Global Health Media breastfeeding videos

Кърмене в извънредни ситуации

Ла Лече Лига България / La Leche League Resources

Отворено писмо от Ла Лече Лига България
Open letter from La Leche League Bulgaria

Кърмене в извънредни ситуации
Breastfeeding in Emergencies

Кърмене и дехидратация
Breastfeeding and dehydration

Кърмене във време на хаос
Breastfeeding in times of chaos

Кърмене за оцеляване
Breastfeeding for survival

Кърмене при стрес 
Breastfeeding under stress

Даряване на кръв
Blood donation

Замърсяващите вещества и как да минимализирате излагането си
Pollutants and how to minimize your exposure

Кърмене при извънредни ситуации: гид за действие
Breastfeeding in emergencies: an action guide

Кърмене при извънредни ситуации ССК 2009 (презентация↓)
Breastfeeding in emergency situations SSC 2009 (presentation)


际母乳会资源 / La Leche League Resources

杯喂 (颜色)
Cup Feeding (color) – Simplified Chinese

杯喂 (黑和白 )
Cup Feeding (black & white) – Simplified Chinese

杯子餵奶 (顏色)
Cup Feeding (color) – Traditional Chinese

杯子餵奶 (黑和白 )
Cup Feeding (black & white) – Traditional Chinese

经历压力的妇女是否会停止产奶? – 多种语言 (际母乳会亚洲及中东)
Do women experiencing stress ‘lose’ their breastmilk? – multilingual (La Leche Leader Asia & Middle East)

滴落喂养 (颜色)
Drip-Drop Feeding (color) – Simplified Chinese

滴落喂养 (黑和白 )
Drip-Drop Feeding (black & white) – Simplified Chinese

滴落哺餵 (顏色)
Drip-Drop Feeding (color) – Traditional Chinese

滴落哺餵 (黑和白 )
Drip-Drop Feeding (black & white) – Traditional Chinese

​​如何让我的宝宝深含乳房? (际母乳会亚洲及中东)
How can I get my baby to latch deeply​? (La Leche Leader Asia & Middle East) Simplified Chinese

​​​​如何讓我的寶寶深含乳房?  (际母乳会亚洲及中东)
How can I get my baby to latch deeply​?  (La Leche Leader Asia & Middle East) Traditional Chinese​

Relactation – Simplified Chinese

Relactation – Traditional Chinese

肌肤接触 (颜色)
Skin-to-Skin Contact (color) – Simplified Chinese

肌肤接触 (黑和白)
Skin-to-Skin Contact (black & white) – Simplified Chinese

​​​肌膚接觸 (顏色)
Skin-to-Skin Contact (color) – Traditional Chinese

肌膚接觸 (黑和白​)
Skin-to-Skin Contact (black & white) – Traditional Chinese

支持特殊危急情况下的母乳哺育与再度泌乳 (际母乳会ー中国)
Supporting breastfeeding and relactation in special emergency situations  (La Leche League China)

其他资源 / Other Resources

Breastfeeding is Emergency Preparedness a brochure on pregnancy – birth – infant & young child feeding by Magdalena Whoolery

该如何做?紧急情况下的喂养简体中文 (来源: Yasuko Emura 制作, Risu Ando and Hiroko Hongo 出版)
Feeding Babies During Emergencies: What should you do? comic – Simplified Chinese (source: created by Yasuko Emura, published by Risu Ando and Hiroko Hongo)

怎麼辦才好? 災害時的寶寶哺育 – 繁體中文 (源自: Yasuko Emura 製作, Risu Ando and Hiroko Hongo 出版)
Feeding Babies During Emergencies: What should you do? comic – Traditional Chinese (source: created by Yasuko Emura, published by Risu Ando and Hiroko Hongo)

Global Health Media 母乳喂养视频
Global Health Media breastfeeding videos

Borstvoeding in noodsituaties

La Leche League bronnen / La Leche League Resources


Breastfeeding in Emergency Situations

La Leche League Resources
LLLI articles and infographics on disaster/emergency/crisis nursing:
Back to Breast: 10 Ways to Relactate After a Period of Not Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding and Coronavirus Resources
Cup Feeding
Disaster: Breastfeeding Is a Life Line
Donating Blood
Drip-Drop Feeding
Eight Strategies for Breastfeeding During a Natural Disaster
Frequency of Feeding FAQs
Hand Expression tear-sheet (from The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding Tear-Sheet Toolkit)
Hand Expressing
Increasing Breastmilk Supply
Milk Donation and Sharing
Relactation Infographic
Skin-to-Skin Contact

LLL Asia & Middle East, translated and adapted from a leaflet produced by LLL Japan
* Do women experiencing stress lose their breast milk? – multilingual
* How can I get my baby to latch deeply?

LLL Canada – Breastfeeding in Emergencies, Disasters and Power Outages

LLLGB – Breastfeeding in Emergency Situations

La Leche League Italia – Video interview with Karleen Gribble: Human milk offers protection during emergencies

La Leche League USA – Breastfeeding in an Emergency

Other Resources
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Infant Nutrition During a Disaster: Breastfeeding and other options

Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA)
Preparing to Feed Your Baby in an Emergency
Emergency Resources For Babies and Toddlers

War and Breastfeeding

Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN)
How to Express and Heat Treat Breast Milk for mothers who are HIV+

ENN, Emergency Nutrition Network, Save the Children, UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNICEF, United Nations Children’s Fund
Interim Operational Considerations for the Feeding Support of Infants and Young Children under 2 years of Age in Refugee and Migrant Transit Settings in Europe

Gribble, Karleen and Carothers, Cathy
Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies

Gribble, Karleen and Berry, Nina J.
* Evacuating with a baby? Here’s what to put in your emergency kit
* Emergency Preparedness for Infants (in developed country contexts)
* Emergency supplies required for breastfed infants or for feeding infants ready-to-use infant formula or powdered milk
* Examples of media messages on infant feeding issues at different stages of an emergency

Global Health Media
How to Express Breastmilk video

Global Technical Assistance Mechanism for Nutrition (GTAM)
Technical Brief on Supportive Spaces for Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies

Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group
* Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies: Information for the Media
* Background Information for Communications Experts on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies
* Infographic Series on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E), multilingual
1. Early Initiation of Breastfeeding During Emergencies
2. Preventing and managing inappropriate donations of BMS
3. Planning and managing artificial feeding interventions during emergencies
4. Supporting infants dependent on artificial feeding during emergencies
5. Infant feeding during infectious disease outbreaks: a guide for policy makers
6. Infant feeding during infectious disease outbreaks: a guide for programmers
* Module 1 – information for emergency relief staff
* Module 1, v 2.1, 2011 – resource for trainers 
* Module 2 – information for health and nutrition workers in emergency situations for training, practice and reference
* Operational Guidance for Emergency Relief Staff & Programme Managers: Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies
* Protecting Infants in Emergencies: how to write and talk about infant and child feeding in emergencies
* Protecting Infants in Emergencies: the role of the public

Infant Feeding Support for Refugee Children Group
Feeding Your Baby as You Travel

International Baby Food Action Network – International Code Documentation Centre (IBFAN-ICDC) information
Focus on Code and Infant Feeding in Emergencies summary document prepared as contribution to WBW 2009

International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) information
* Background Information for Breastfeeding: A Vital Emergency Response
* Facts About Breastfeeding in an Emergency: Especially for Health Care Providers
* Facts About Breastfeeding in an Emergency: Especially for Relief Workers
* Infant and Young Child Feeding Position Paper published in Journal of Human Lactation (2014)

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
Heat Treatment of Expressed Breast Milk is a Feasible Option for Feeding HIV Exposed, Uninfected Children After 6 Months of Age in Rural Zimbabwe

SafelyFed Canada
* Key Phrases for Infant and Young Child Feeding Assessment and Support
* Feeding Your Baby as You Travel

Save the Children International and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
* Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) in Refugee Situations: Priorities for Education
* Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) in Refugee Situations: Priorities for Nutrition
* Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) in Refugee Situations: Priorities for Public Health

UNICEF – Programming Guide for Infant and Young Child Feeding
UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) information
Policy Related to the Acceptance, Distribution and Use of Milk Products in Refugee Situations
* UNHCR Acceptance, distribution and use of milk products in refugee settings
* Guidance on Infant Feeding and HIV in the context of refugees and displaced populations

United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC)
Breastfeeding and Emergencies

United States Center For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Resources and toolkit

United States Office of Human Services
Infant Feeding During Disasters

World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA)
* Factsheet on feeding infants in emergencies
* Flash-heated breastmilk can be utilized for “replacement feeding”
* Flash-heat Inactivation of HIV-1 in Breast Milk

World Health Organization (WHO)
WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6-23 months of age – 16 October 2023

L’allaitement maternel dans une situation d’urgence

La Leche League Ressources / La Leche League Resources
L’allaitement en situation de crise (source: La Leche League France)
Breastfeeding During Emergencies (source: LLL France)

Relactation et lactation induite (source: La Leche League France)
Relactation and Induced Lactation (source: LLL France)

Nourrir au Gobelet
Cup Feeding

Autres Ressources / Other Resources

Breastfeeding is Emergency Preparedness a brochure on pregnancy – birth – infant & young child feeding by Magdalena Whoolery

Groupe central sur l’alimentation du nourrisson en situation d’urgence (IFE)
Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group
MISE AU SEIN PRÉCOCE EN SITUATION D’URGENCE – Early Initiation of Breastfeeding During Emergencies
PRÉVENIR ET GÉRER LES DONS INAPPROPRIÉS SUBSTITUTS DU LAIT MATERNEL – Preventing and managing inappropriate donations of BMS
ALIMENTATION DU NOURISSON DURANT LES EPIDEMIES DE MALADIES INFECTIEUSES – Infant feeding during infectious disease outbreaks: a guide for policy makers
ALIMENTATION DU NOURISSON DURANT LES EPIDEMIES DE MALADIES INFECTIEUSES: Un guide pour des décideurs et des responsables des programmes – Infant feeding during infectious disease outbreaks: a guide for programmers

Informations sur l’Association internationale des conseillers en lactation (ILCA) / International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) information
* Allaiter en situation de crise. Informations à destination des professionnels de santé
* L’allaitement maternel : une réponse vitale à une situation d’urgence. Informations à destination des secouristes 

Nourrir Votre Bebe Pendant Que Vous Voyagez par SafelyFed Canada
Feeding Your Baby as You Travel by SafelyFed Canada

Alimentation du Nourrisson et du Jeune Enfant (ANJE) en Situation de Réfugiés par Save the Children International et UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) in Refugee Situations by Save the Children International et UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
* Priorités pour l’éducation – Priorities for Education
* Priorités pour les autres programmes nutritionnels – Priorities for Nutrition
* Priorités pour la santé publique – Priorities for Public Health

Dossier d’IBFAN sur Le Code et l’alimentation des nourrissons en cas d’urgence
IBFAN-ICDC Focus on Code and Infant Feeding in Emergencies summary document prepared as contribution to WBW 2009

L’alimentation infantile en situation de crise – informations destinées aux professionels de la santé et de la nutrition en situation de crise. (source: Emergency Nutrition Network)
Infant Feeding in Emergencies – information for health and nutrition workers in emergency situations (source: Emergency Nutrition Network)
* Manual principal / Core Manual
* Chapitres complémentaires / Additional Materials
* Annexes
* Protéger les nourrissons en cas d’urgence: Information pour les média / Protecting Infants in Emergencies: information for the media

Alimentation des nourrissons et des jeunes enfants dans les situations d’urgence (Emergency Nutrition Network)
Operational Guidance for Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (Emergency Nutrition Network)

Politique de I’UNHCR relative à l’acceptation, la distribution et l’utilisation de produits laitiers dans les situations de réfugiés
UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) – Policy Related to the Acceptance, Distribution and Use of Milk Products in Refugee Situations

Fiche descriptive à propos de l’alimentation infantile en situation de crise
WABA factsheet on feeding infants in emergencies

Stillen in Krisensituationen

La Leche Liga Ressourcen / La Leche League Resources

Stillen als Vorsorge für Krisensituationen (La Leche Liga Deutschland)
Breastfeeding is Emergency Preparedness (La Leche League Germany)

Cup Feeding

Milchmenge Steigern
Increasing Breastmilk Supply


Haut-zu-Haut Kontakt
Skin-to-Skin Contact

Andere Ressourcen / Other Resources

Baby Sicher und Satt (SUS): Säuglings- und Kleinkindernährung in Krisenzeiten
Safe and fed: Infant and toddler nutrition in times of crisis

Stillen in Katastrophen- und Krisenzeiten (quelle: Elizabeth Hormann, Dipl. Päd, IBCLC)
Breastfeeding in Disaster and Crisis Situations (source: Elizabeth Hormann, Dipl. Päd, IBCLC)
Stillen In Katastrophen Und Krisenzeiten
Stillen in Katastrophen und Krisenzeiten Stillforum Leipzig

Säuglingsernährung in akuten Krisensituationen (quelle: Europäische Laktationsberaterinnen Allianz)
Handout 2016 1 DE Stillen In Krisenzeiten
Infant feeding in acute crisis situations (source: European Lactation Consultants Alliance)

Sichere Notfallversorgung Für Kleine Kinder Information Für Die Medien  (quelle: IFE Core Group, Emergency Nutrition Network)
Protecting Infants in Emergencies: information for the media (source: IFE Core Group, Emergency Nutrition Network)

Σύνδεσμος Θηλασμού Πόροι / La Leche League Resources

Δίπλα στις Μητέρες Πρόσφυγες (Σύνδεσμος Θηλασμού Ελλάδος )
Refugee Mothers (La Leche League Greece)

Cup Feeding

Μέθοδος Σίτισης “σταγόνα-σταγόνα”
Drip-Drop Feeding

Increasing Breastmilk Supply


Skin-to-Skin Contact

הנקה בזמני חירום

ליגת לה לצה ישראל – La Leche League Resources

רשימת חומרים רלוונטיים מהאתר של ליגת לה לצה לתקופות מלחמה, מצוקה וסטרס
A list of relevant materials from the La Leche League website for times of war, hardship and stress

הנקה בזמני חירום

על חשיבות מגע עור בעורהמאמרנכתבלימישיגרהורלוונטיעודיותרבעיתותמשבר

האם יש לי מספיק חלב?

על תמיכה משפחתית בהנקה

מדריך למתחילות: הנקה בימים הראשוניםכי זה תמיד רלוונטי, גםבעיתותמשבר

קישור לסרטונים ומאמרים בנושא שאיבה וסחיטת חלב

החוויה הריגשית של אמהות בסיום ההנקהכדאילקחתבחשבון
ואולי זה לא הזמן לשינויים משמעותיים

על שאיבת חלב לפגיםכל מה שחשוב לדעת

התמודדות עם שביתת הנקהיכולה להיגרם עי סטרס

האכלה מבקבוק בדרך תומכת הנקה

גמילה פתאומית במצב חירום

גודש בעקבות גמילה פתאומית

Other Resources – משאבים אחרים

אתרים (כולל פייסבוק) משרד הבריאות
Ministry of Health Israel – Breastfeeding in times of emergency and stress

איגוד הישראלי למקצועות ההנקה
Israeli Association for Nursing Professions – Breastfeeding information for mothers

החברה לרפואת הנקה
Society for Breastfeeding Medicine in Israel

הזנת תינוקות באסונות ובמצבי חירום
הנקה ואפשרויות אחרות
Infant Nutrition During a Disaster: Breastfeeding and other options – American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

आपातकालीन स्थितियों में स्तनपान

स्तनपान संबंधी जानकारी
Breastfeeding Information (La Leche League)

तनपान गभावा क आपातकालीन तैयारी हैजमनवजात शशुऔर छोटे बेका आहार / खानपान
Breastfeeding is Emergency Preparedness a brochure on pregnancy – birth – infant & young child feeding by Magdalena Whoolery

प्रचालनात्मक मार्गदर्शन आपातकालीन राहत कर्मचारियों और कार्यक्रम प्रबंधकों के लि
Operational Guidance for Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (source: Emergency Nutrition Network)

ग्लोबल हेल्थ मीडिया स्तनपान वीडियोहिंदी
Global Health Media breastfeeding videos – Hindi

Informasi Pada Situasi Darurat Di Indonesia

tips Menyusui (La Leche League)
Breastfeeding Tips

Menyusui adalah kesiapsiagaan dalam keadaan emergensi
Breastfeeding is Emergency Preparedness a brochure on pregnancy – birth – infant & young child feeding by Magdalena Whoolery

Pemberian Makan Bayi di Situasi Darurat: Apa yang sebaiknya Ibu lakukan?
Feeding Babies During Emergencies: What should you do? comic – (source: created by Yasuko Emura, published by Risu Ando and Hiroko Hongo)

Pemberian Makan Bayi Dan Anak (PMBA) Pada Situasi Darurat (Sumber : Jaringan Nutrisi Darurat ENN)
Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (source: Emergency Nutrition Network)
* Manual Utama / Core Manual
* Materi Tambahan / Additional Materials
* Lampiran / Annexes

Panduan Operasional Pemberian Makanan bagi Bayi dan Balita dalam Situasi Darurat
Operational Guidance for Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies
(source: Emergency Nutrition Network)

Video menyusui Global Health Media – Bahasa Indonesia
Global Health Media breastfeeding videos – Bahasa Indonesia

Risorse in italiano sull’allattamento nelle emergenze

La Leche League Risorse / La Leche League Resources

Breastfeeding During Emergencies (La Leche League Italy)

La Leche League Italia video-intervista a Karleen Gribble Nelle emergenze l’allattamento protegge
La Leche League Italy video interview with Karleen Gribble “Breastfeeding protects in emergencies”

Maggio 2009 – Comunicato stampa – Allattamento durante le emergenze (La Leche League Italia)
May 2009 Press Release – Breastfeeding During Emergencies (La Leche League Italy)

Maggio 2012 – Allattamento nelle emergenze (La Leche League Italia)
May 2012 – Breastfeeding in Emergencies (La Leche League Italy)

Alimentazione goccia a goccia
Drip-Drop Feeding

Altre Risorse / Other Resources

Allattamento e nutrizione dei bambini: ecco cosa fare in situazioni di emergenza umanitaria (Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Roma)
Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding: here is what to do during humanitarian emergencies (Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù, Rome)

Serie di infografiche dell’ Infant Feeding in Emergencies Core Group
Infographic Series on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies from the Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group
AVVIO TEMPESTIVO DELL’ ALLATTAMENTO DURANTE LE EMERGENZE / Early Initiation of Breastfeeding During Emergencies
SOSTENERE I NEONATI E LE NEONATE IN ALIMENTAZIONE CON FORMULA / Supporting infants dependent on artificial feeding during emergencies

COVID-19: gravidanza, parto e allattamento (Istituto Superiore di Sanità)
COVID-19: pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding (National Institute of Health)

La gazzetta della prolattina (registrazione gratuita per accedere ai numeri della rivista)
The Prolactin Journal (free registration required to access the issues of the magazine)

L’alimentazione infantile nelle emergenze ( Angela Giusti, CNESPS, ISS)
Infant Feeding in Emergencies (Angela Giusti, CNESPS, ISS)

L’alimentazione di lattanti e bambini piccoli nelle emergenze – Guida Operativa per personale di Primo Soccorso nelle emergenze e per i Direttori di progetto (IFE Core Group, Emergency Nutrition Network)
Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies – Operational Guidance for Emergency Relief Staff and Programme Managers (IFE Core Group, Emergency Nutrition Network)

Proteggere i bambini piccoli nelle emergenze: informazioni per i Media (IFE Core Group, Emergency Nutrition Network)
Protecting Infants in Emergencies: information for the media (IFE Core Group, Emergency Nutrition Network)


NPO法人 ラ・レーチェ・リーグ日本の情報源 / La Leche League Japan resources

災害時の母 乳育児支援
Breastfeeding Support in Emergency Situations 

Do women experiencing stress ‘lose’ their breast milk?  

How can I get my baby to latch deeply?

LLL以外の情報源 / Non-LLL resources

Breastfeeding is Emergency Preparedness a brochure on pregnancy – birth – infant & young child feeding by Magdalena Whoolery

コップで授乳 (災害時の母と子の育児支援 共同特別委員会)
Cup feeding (Infant and Young Child Feeding Support Network)

どうする?災害時の赤ちゃんの栄養 漫画(comic by エムラヤスコ、発行元:あんどうりす・本郷寛子)
Feeding Babies During Emergencies: What should you do? (comic created by Risu Ando and Hiroko Hongo, illustrated by Yasuko Emura)

災害時の乳幼児栄養・母乳育児支援情報 (NPO法人 日本ラクテーション・コンサルタント協会)
Infant and young child feeding in emergencies & breastfeeding support in emergency situations (source: Japanese Association of Lactation Consultants)

母と子の育児支援ネットワーク 災害時の母と子の育児支援 共同特別委員会
Infant and Young Child Feeding Support Network, Special Committee for Supporting Mothers and Children Under the Stress of Natural Disasters

災害時の赤ちゃんの栄養 (災害時の母と子の育児支援 共同特別委員会)
Infant Nutrition During Emergencies (Infant and Young Child Feeding Support Network)

La Leche Lyga Kiti ištekliai / La Leche League Resources

La Leche Lyga Lietuva
La Leche League Lithuania

Maitinimas iš puodelio
Cup Feeding

Kiti ištekliai / Other Resources

Kūdikių maitinimas ekstremaliose situacijose: ką daryti?
Feeding Babies During Emergencies: What should you do? comic created by Yasuko Emura, published by Risu Ando and Hiroko Hongo

Global Health Media žindymo vaizdo įrašai – lietuviški
Global Health Media breastfeeding videos – Lithuanian

Breastfeeding is Emergency Preparedness a brochure on pregnancy – birth – infant & young child feeding by Magdalena Whoolery

Video penyusuan Global Health Media – Bahasa Melayu
Global Health Media breastfeeding videos – Malay

La Leche League zasoby / La Leche League Resources

La Leche League w Polsce

Cup Feeding

Skin-to-skin contact

Inne zasoby / Other Resources

Karmienie Dziecka w Drodze
Infant Feeding Support for Refugee Children Group – transit guidelines

Alimentação de Lactentes e Crianças Pequenas em Situações de Emergência

Liga La Leche recursos / LLL Resources

Liga La Leche Portugal

Aumentar o Leite Materno
Increasing Breastmilk Supply


Contacto Pele Com Pele
Skin-to-Skin Contact

Outros recursos / Other Resources

Guia Operacional para Lactentes e Crianças em Situação de Emergência Alimentar (fonte: Rede de Nutrição de Emergência)
Operational Guidance for Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (source: Emergency Nutrition Network)

Alăptarea în situații de criză

La Leche League resurse / La Leche League Resources

Alăptarea în situații de urgență (La Leche League România)
Breastfeeding in emergencies (La Leche League Romania)

Hrănirea cu cana
Cup feeding

Hrănirea prin picurare
Drip-Drop Feeding

Creșterea producției de lapte matern
Increasing Breastmilk Supply


Contactul piele pe piele
Skin-to-Skin Contact

Информация по грудному вскармливанию в чрезвычайных ситуациях на русском

Ресурсы Лиги Ла-Лече / La Leche League Resources

Грудное вскармливание во время чрезвычайных ситуаций: стратегия из восьми шагов ( Ла Лече Лига Россия)
Breastfeeding during emergencies: an eight-step strategy (La Leche League Russia)

Кормление из чашки
Cup Feeding

«Пропадает» ли грудное молоко у женщин, испытывающих стресс? – многоязычный
Do women experiencing stress ‘lose’ their breastmilk? – multilingual (La Leche League Asia & Middle East)

Капельный метод кормления
Drip-Drop Feeding

Увеличение количества молока
Increasing Breastmilk Supply

Релактация (восстановление грудного молока после остановки лактации)
Relactation (re-establishing milk production after a period of not breastfeeding)

Контакт кожа к коже
Skin-to-Skin Contact

Другие источники

Кормление младенцев во время чрезвычайных ситуаций: Что делать?, комикс основанный на Оперативном руководстве IFE по кормлению младенцев в чрезвычайных ситуациях
Feeding Babies During Emergencies; What should you do?, comic based on IFE’s Operational Guidelines on Infant Feeding in Emergencies

Early Initiation of Breastfeeding During Emergencies an infographic published in 2021 by the Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group

Кормление младенцев и детей младшего возраста: ключевые моменты для помощников
Feeding Babies and Young Children: Key points for helpers (SafelyFed Canada)

Ключевые фразы для оценки и поддержания вскармливания
Key Phrases for Infant and Young Child Feeding Assessment and Support (SafelyFed Canada)

Infant Feeding Support – Transit Guidelines (Infant Feeding Support for Refugee Children Group)

La lactancia materna en situaciones de emergencia

Liga de La Lech recursos / La Leche League Resources

Cup Feeding

Drip-Drop Feeding

Increasing Breastmilk Supply

Skin-to-Skin Contact

Cuando una emergencia surge la Lactancia puede salvar vidas – Parte II (Liga de La LecheInternacional)
“Breastfeeding Can Save Lives When an Emergency Strikes” Part II (La Leche League International)

En Crisis y Emergencias, Amamantar Salva Vidas (Liga de La Leche Argentina)
“During Crises and Emergencies, Breastfeeding Saves Lives” article for World Breastfeeding Week 2009 (La Leche League Argentina)

En Emergencias, Amamantar Salva Vidas (Liga de La Leche Argentina)
”During Emergencies, Breastfeeding Saves Lives” press release following a natural disaster in La Plata in 2013 (La Leche League Argentina)

¡En Emergencias, Amamantar Salva Vidas! (Liga de La Leche de México)
In Emergencies, Breastfeeding Saves Lives! (La Leche League Mexico)

Lactar al Bebe: Una Bendicion en Tiempo de Huracanes y Desastres Naturales (Liga de La Leche Puerto Rico)
“Breastfeeding Your Baby: A Blessing During Hurricanes and Natural Disasters” (La Leche League Puerto Rico)

Lactancia en tiempos de estrés (Liga de La Leche – Latino America Nuevo Comienzo)
“Breastfeeding in Times of Stress” (LLL Latin America mothers’ newsletter Nuevo Comienzo)

Lactancia en tiempos de estrés – Información perteneciente a la revista NUEVO COMIENZO, Vol. 14 Numero 1 Año 2002
Lactation in times of stress – Information from NUEVO COMIENZO magazine, Vol. 14 No. 1 Year 2002

Se le va la leche a las mujeres que sienten estrés – Latinoamérica versión
Do women experiencing stress ‘lose’ their breast milk? – Latin America version

Otros recursos / Other Resources

Cómo Alimentar a los Bebés en Emergencia (WABA)
Fact sheet on feeding infants in emergencies (WABA)

Alimentación de bebés durante emergencias: ¿Qué deberíamos hacer? (creado por Yasuko Emura, publicado por Risu Ando y Hiroko Hongo)
Feeding Babies During Emergencies: What should you do? comic (created by Yasuko Emura, published by Risu Ando and Hiroko Hongo)

Breastfeeding is Emergency Preparedness a brochure on pregnancy – birth – infant & young child feeding by Magdalena Whoolery

IBFAN-ICDC El Código y la alimentación infantil durante las emergencias
IBFAN-ICDC Focus on Code and Infant Feeding in Emergencies summary document prepared as contribution to WBW 2009

Prevención y gestión de donaciones inapropiadas de sucedáneos de la leche materna y otros productos prohibidos una infografía publicada en 2021 por el Grupo Central de Alimentación Infantil en Emergencias (IFE)
Preventing and managing inappropriate donations of breastmilk substitutes an infographic published in 2021 by the Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group

Alimentación del lactatante durante brotes de enfermedades una infografía publicada en 2021 por el Grupo Central de Alimentación Infantil en Emergencias (IFE)
Infant feeding during infectious disease outbreaks: a guide for policy makers an infographic published in 2021 by the Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group

Alimentación de lactatantes en brotes de enfermedades infecciosas una infografía publicada en 2021 por el Grupo Central de Alimentación Infantil en Emergencias (IFE)
Infant feeding during infectious disease outbreaks: a guide for policy makers an infographic published in 2021 by the Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group

Guía operativa para Personal de Mitigación de Emergencias y Administradores/as del Programa
Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies – Operational Guidance for Emergency Relief Staff and Programme Managers (IFE Core Group, Emergency Nutrition Network)

Infant Nutrition During a Disaster: Breastfeeding and other options – American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

Información de la Asociación Internacional de Consultoras de Lactancia (ILCA)
International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) information
Lactancia materna: Una respuesta vital en emergencias: Sugerencias para profesionales de la salud – Facts About Breastfeeding in an Emergency: Especially for Health Care Providers
Lactancia materna: Una respuesta vital en emergencias: Sugerencias para guienes brindan apoyo ed casos de desastres – Facts About Breastfeeding in an Emergency: Especially for Relief Workers

Guerra y Lactancia Materna (e-lactancia)
War and Breastfeeding (e-lactancia)

¿Por qué es importante proteger la lactancia materna en los albergues? La lactancia en emergencias salva vidas (UNICEF)
Why is it important to protect breastfeeding in shelters? Breastfeeding in emergencies saves lives (UNICEF)

Alimentación del Lactante y del Niño Pequeño (IYCF) en Situaciones de Refugio por Save the Children International, UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
* Prioridades para educación – Priorities for Education
* Prioridades para otros programas de nutrición – Priorities for Nutrition
* Prioridades para salud pública – Priorities for Public Health

Ulishaji wa Watoto Katika Hali ya Dharura

Taarifa za Kunyonyesha / Breastfeeding Information (La Leche League)

Cup Feeding

Drip-Drop Feeding

Rasilimali Nyingine / Other Resources

Jinsi ya Kukamua na Kuchemsha Maziwa ya Mama (Mtandao kuhusu Lishe ya Dharura)
How to Express and Heat Treat Breast Milk found on Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN)

Mwongozo wa Utendaji Ulishaji wa Watoto Wachanga na Wadogo katika Dharura (Mtandao kuhusu Lishe ya Dharura)
Operational Guidance for Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (Emergency Nutrition Network)

Global Health Media video za kunyonyesha – Kiswahili
Global Health Media breastfeeding videos – Swahili

Fó Susubén-Inan nian mak Prontidaun iha Situasaun Emerjensia
Breastfeeding is Emergency Preparedness a brochure on pregnancy – birth – infant & young child feeding by Magdalena Whoolery

Global Health Media breastfeeding videos – Tetum/Bahasa Tetun

Acil Durumlarda Emzirme

La Leche League kaynaklar / La Leche League Resources

Depremde Emzirme Desteği (La Leche League Türkiye)
Breastfeeding Support in Earthquakes (La Leche League Turkey)

Bardakla Beslemek
Cup Feeding

Damla Damla Yöntemi
Drip-Drop Feeding


Diğer kaynaklar / Other Resources

IFE Core Group infografik serisi
IFE Core Group infographic series
* Acil Durumlarda Emzirmeye Erkenden Baslanmasi: Doğumda hizmet sağlayıcılar için erken emzirmeyi destekleyici kılavuz
Early Initiation of Breastfeeding in Emergency
* Uygun Olmayan bagislarin önlenmesi ve yönetilmesi: Acil durum yardım personelleri, bağışçılar ve hükümetler için bir rehber
Preventing and managing inappropriate donations of BMS
* Acil durumlarda yapay mamayla beslenen bebeklerin desteklenmesi: Ön saflarda çalışanlar için rehber (sağlık, beslenme ve çocuk esirgeme çalışanları dahi)
Supporting infants dependent on artificial feeding during emergencies

Acil ve Afet Durumlarında Bebek Beslenmesi (T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı)
Infant Feeding in Emergencies (Turkish Ministry of Health)

Acil durum yardım personeli ve program yöneticileri için Operasyonel Rehberlik
Operational Guidance for Infant Feeding in Emergencies (Emergency Nutrition Network)

Acil Durumlarda Bebek ve Küçük Çocukların Beslenmeleri için Destekleyici Mekanlar
Technical Brief on Supportive Spaces for Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies by GTAM, Global Technical Assistance Mechanism for Nutrition

Global Sağlık Medyası emzirme videoları – Türkçe
Global Health Media breastfeeding videos – Turkish

Грудне вигодовування в надзвичайних ситуаціях

Ла Лече Ліга ресурси / La Leche League Resources

Грудне вигодовування в надзвичайних ситуаціях
Breastfeeding in emergencies

Годування з чашки
Cup Feeding

Чи «втрачають» грудне молоко жінки, які переживають стрес? – багатомовний
Do women experiencing stress lose their breastmilk? – multilingual (LLL Asia & Middle East)

Грудне вигодовування в надзвичайних ситуаціях
Eight Strategies for Breastfeeding During a Natural Disaster – Breastfeeding Today article

Методи підвищення Лактації у кризу
Increasing Breastmilk Supply

Годування грудьми як в шезлонгу
Laid-back Breastfeeding

Релактація (відновлення грудного молока після зупинки лактації)
Relactation (re-establishing milk production after a period of not breastfeeding) 

Тілесний контакт
Skin-to-Skin Contact

Інші ресурси / Other resources

Г од у в а н ня Не м ов л я т П і д Ча с На д з в и ча й ни х Си т у а ц і й : Щ о Р о б и т и ?
Comic based on IFE’s Operational Guidelines on Infant Feeding in Emergencies

Early Initiation of Breastfeeding During Emergencies an infographic (Infant Feeding in Emergencies Core Group 2021)

Годування немовлят та дітей молодшого віку: ключові моменти для помічників
Feeding Babies and Young Children: Key points for helpers (SafelyFed Canada)

Грудне вигодовування та інші варіанти
Infant Nutrition During a Disaster: Breastfeeding and other options – American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

Ключові фрази для оцінки та підтримки КДГРМ
Key Phrases for IYCF Assessment and Support (SafelyFed Canada)
Англійська, українська, російська (English, Ukrainian, Russian)

Transit Guidelines (Infant Feeding Support for Refugee Children Group)

Guidance Note: Infant and Young Child Feeding in the First Three Days After a Nuclear Power Plant Accident (Infant Feeding in Emergencies Core Group Sub-Working Group on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies 2023)

Nuôi con bằng sữa mẹ trong tình huống khẩn cấp

LLL Tài nguyên / LLL Resources

Cup Feeding

Người mẹ trải qua sự căng thẳng có bị “mất” sữa? – đa ngôn ngữ
Do women experiencing stress ‘lose’ their breastmilk? – multilingual (LLL Asia & Middle East)

Drip-Drop Feeding

Làm sao tôi có thể giúp em bé của tôi có khớp ngậm sâu?
How can I get my baby to latch deeply? (LLL Asia & Middle East)

Increasing Breastmilk Supply

Tái kích sữa?

Skin-to-Skin Contact

Tài nguyên khác / Other Resources

Nuôi con trong những trường hợp khẩn cấp: Bố mẹ nên làm gì?
Feeding Babies During Emergencies: What should you do? – comic – created by Yasuko Emura, published by Risu Ando and Hiroko Hongo

Video cho con bú của Global Health Media – Tiếng Việt
Global Health Media breastfeeding videos – Vietnamese